Crinkle ear
Every time I swallow, I get a crinkling sound in my left ear. Imagine a box with a small hole on one side. The hole is covered by a plastic
Every time I swallow, I get a crinkling sound in my left ear. Imagine a box with a small hole on one side. The hole is covered by a plastic
Found a lump in my groin this morning.It is tender to touch.Worried.
Late February, and Spring might be with us at last. 12°C in the shade feels positively mild. Seeing warmth along with sunshine does lift my spirits. Being stuck inside, working,
The virtual klaxon has sounded, no more work until 4th January 2021. I feel miserable. I think I should be happy, but I just feel a sense of nothing or
Not having any friends physically close enough to hang out with, I used to play some relaxing games online with others. This is back in the days when I would
Things will be better once I have a tripod once more.
A reminder to myself that this is also a place of positive emotions. Recording only the negative ones would likely cause a negative feedback loop.
Depression sneaks it’s way through my being now and then. This is a place for the depression’s words to get noted down. There may be photography.